Challenge Ministries Prayer Cell Agenda

Dear Hearts, thank you so much for listening to Challenge on the Radio or

Internet, which ever you may use to hear our message.  And, thank you

for joining us in prayer on behalf of our nation and the Kingdom of God!






                                     1Jo 5:14 Now this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he hears us:   


1.  Pray, asking God to reveal to his people any misrepresentation of Scripture or adherence to false doctrine that might be hindering our walk of faith and prayer power.


2.  Pray, asking God to bring the Elect out of the systems of false religion into the kingdom of God.


3.  Pray asking God to defeat each and every legidlative and judicial action in the naions of the world that has been initiated by Satan.


4. Pray, asking God to to initiate those actions that will disrupt and delay the Satanic Agenda operaring in the nations of the world.


5.  Pray, asking God to to raise up those in the nations that will lift up their voices like a trumpet and cry out against the sins of the church.


6.  Pray, asking God to place in office as President of the United States that individual that he can use most effectively for the kingdom of God in this nation.