Florida Bible Institute

Level Three

Lesson Six

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The Early Years - The Sermon on The Mount Part - II


Scripture Reading:  Matthew 5:1 - 13


Memory Verse:   Matthew 5:13


Introduction.  In our last session, we examined the first half of the teaching of Christ Jesus referred to as The Sermon on The Mount.  In this lesson, we continue our study of these truths that can and will enable us, when obeyed, to live a more joyful, Spirit filled, victorious life than we ever thought possible.  In this lesson, we want to better understand the truths our Lord taught in this Sermon on the Mount.


1.         In Matthew 5:7, Jesus teaches Blessed are the merciful: for the shall obtain mercy.


  Merciful defined: A...mercy; kindness or good will towards the miserable and afflicted,

  joined with a desire to relieve them; (The New Thayer's Greek English Lexicon)


  Mercy defined: The general idea of mercy is to spare, to console, to succor the afflicted, (something that furnishes relief) to bring help to the wretched especially ...of God granting even to the unworthy favor, benefits, opportunities and particularly salvation by Christ. (The New Thayer's Greek English Lexicon)



I.          God is Merciful.


1.         In what way has God revealed Himself to be merciful?


2.         In what way has God been kind to mankind?


3.         In what way has God been kind to you?


4.         In what way has God relieved you?


5.         How can you be merciful to another? (Be specific).


6.         Are you willing for God to extend mercy to you to the same extent that you extend mercy to others?


7.         Are you willing for God to only be as merciful to you as you are to others?


8.         In your opinion, what is the implication of verse 7 for those who are not merciful?  (See also Matthew 6:14 - 15)


Why not take a moment right now, and ask God to reveal to you those to whom you have not been merciful so that you can ask forgiveness and repent.


II.        In Matthew 5:8 Jesus teaches: Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God.

            Pure defined: The idea is that the heart is the seat of the will and that the emotions, or intellect has no mixture of anything that corrupts, soils or         adulterates. It is a heart that is pure and clean, with no unclean or ungodly self-serving motives. In light of that definition, explain the following scriptures.  

.         Explain in your own words, Psalms 24:3 - 4.


2.         Explain in your own words, Jeremiah 17:9 - 10.


3.         In your own words, explain Matthew 5:19 - 20.


4.         In your own words explain Matthew 5:8.


5.         In your opinion, how does one develop a pure heart?  (See Psalms 119)


Spend time in prayer now, and lay your own heart out before God, and ask Him to reveal the impurities of your heart.  Resolve that you will hold these areas of impurity before the Lord in prayer daily until they are resolved.


III.       In Matthew 5:9 Jesus teaches:  Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.


 Peacemakers defined: This word is used only once in all the bible, and speaks of one who loves peace, one who tends to desire to lessen  conflict, not promote conflict, but rather seeks to promote peace and harmony.


1.         In what ways can one promote or incite strife, division or contention?


2.         In what ways can one promote love, peace and unity?


3.         In your own words, explain II Corinthians 5:18.


4.         In your own words, explain II Corinthians 5:19.


5.         Are you one of those who often adds to a problem by fueling the problem, or, are you one who works to bring reconciliation to a situation where relationships have been or could be damaged?


6.         Which brings you the most satisfaction - be totally honest with yourself and God.  (Check the one that most possibly describes you:)


(1)        Taking sides and becoming a party to the disagreement. ( )


(2)        Remaining prayerfully neutral and working to bring peace and reconciliation to those at odds with each other.  ( )


7.         List some ways in which you can be a problem between those who are already at odds with each other, or who could very easily become at odds with each other.


8.         List some ways in which you can be a peacemaker between those who are already at odds with each other, or who could very easily  become at odds with each other?


IV:      In Matthew 5:10 Jesus teaches: Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.


Persecuted defined: To harass, trouble, molest, persecute.


1.         Express the meaning of Matthew 5:10 in your own words.


2.         Has this ever happened to you?  If so, how?


3.         List some practical ways this can occur in the life of a believer.


(1)        On the job, in the workplace.


(2)        In the home.


(3)        In the church.


(4)        At school.


V.        In Matthew 5:11 - 12  Jesus teaches on the Believers response to adversity.


1.         Explain Matthew 5:11.


2.         Explain Matthew 5:12.


3.         According to these verses, should Christians expect to meet opposition in their life because of their identification with Jesus Christ?


Conclusion: The principles taught by Jesus in The Sermon on The Mount give us the keys to Living Like a King.  God Bless you as you put them into practice.