Florida Bible Institute

Level Three

Lesson Ten - Part 1

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The Last Hours - Part I


Scripture Reading: Luke 22:1 - 56


Memory Verse: Luke 23:24


Introduction: In this series of studies, we have been taking a little closer look at the life of Jesus.

We have examined the circumstances of His virgin birth, His early years, His entrance into ministry, some aspects of His ministry as well as some of His teaching related to Kingdom Living now!


To some degree we have examined His mission from heaven to earth.  We have also observed from the scriptures, His servant-mindedness.


In this lesson, we observe His ultimate act of obedience to the will of His Father - His death on the cross, as Gods sinless, willing blood sacrifice for the sins of man.  We will examine His betrayal by Judas Iscariot, His trial and His crucifixion.  May the Holy Spirit give you sensitivity to that which you read and study in the lesson.


I.         Read John 13:1 - 33


1.        What was the Passover Supper?


    (1)        What was its origin?


    (2)        Why was it celebrated?


2.         In John 13:1 we read the phrase...'Jesus knew that His hour was come.'  In your opinion which of the statements below explains what he meant by that statement.

     (1)  9   His time to be glorified.

     (2)  9   His time to be crucified.

     (3)  9   His time to be recognized as the Messiah.

     (4)  9   None of the above.


3.         In your opinion, did Judas Iscariot have a choice in whether or not he would betray Christ Jesus?  ( ) Yes   ( ) No  (Check one)


      (1)        Explain your answer:  


4.         In your opinion, did Jesus know when He chose Judas as a disciple that Judas would one day betray Him. ( ) Yes   ( ) No  (Check one)


       (1)        Explain your answer:


       (2)        What does your answer to 4 (1) above reveal about Jesus having chosen you as a disciple?


       (3)        How does John 1:8 - 9 speak to you as one that has been chosen as a disciple?


5.         In your opinion, how does the actions of Jesus in John 13:4 - 5 speak to you as a disciple of His?


6.         After Jesus had washed and dried the feet of His disciples, He told them why He had done so.  (See John 13:12 - 17) In your own words
 explain how this teaching applies to you as His disciple.


7.         How do you feel about the statement of Jesus in John 13:15?


( )         I wish He had not done what He did, (washing feet) and taught what He taught.

( )         I know that is supposed to be my attitude, but, I'm not there yet?


( )         I’m not there, and, I'm not sure I want to be there.


( )          I think I'm there.


( )         Perhaps you have another view you would like to express.


8.         Judas was an opportunist, who wanted Jesus to usher in His Kingdom rule then, at that time.  When He realized Jesus was not going to do
 so at that time, he became angry and decided to desert Jesus.


      (1)        Have you ever entertained that attitude?


      (2)        If so, how did it manifest in your life or attitudes?


9.         The means of positive identification by which Judas betrayed Jesus was a kiss.  What lesson do you learn from that:


      (1)        About yourself?


      (2)        About others who claim to know Christ Jesus?


10.       After reading Luke 22:54 - 62, identify the three stages of Peters backsliding and denial of Jesus.








               (4)        Have any  of these traits ever manifested in your life?