Florida Bible Institute

Level Three

Lesson Ten

Answer Key


                                                                                               The Last Hours - Part I


John 13:1  Now before the feast of the passover, when Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end.


1.         Passover was the first of three great yearly feasts celebrated in Israel.  It commemorated the deliverance of Israel from their bondage in Egypt.


(1)        Passover was initiated on the night of the exodus of the Children of Israel from Egypt, when the firstborn of every household that was not protected by the blood of the Passover Lamb applied to the top and both sides of the door posts of the house were slain.


(2)        It was celebrated as a memorial in accordance by the command of the LORD.  (Exodus 12:14 - 20)


2.         John 13:1 reveals that Jesus knew that the time of His betrayal and crucifixion was at hand His hour had come.


3.         Judas Iscariot, like all of mankind had free will.  He could choose to submit to the Lordship of Jesus as the Messiah, or refuse to do so.  He refused.


4.         Yes. 


(1)        Jesus knew the hearts of men and as God in the flesh, knew that one day Judas would betray Him.  Still, He gave Judas every opportunity that He gave the other disciples.


(2)        Subjective


(3)        I John 1:89 - 9 reveals that Jesus knew all of your strengths and weaknesses before He ever chose you to be His disciple.  Yet He has chosen you and will empower you to do and to be all that He would ask of you.  He understands that you will not live a life above sin, but, assures us as disciples, that if we will judge ourselves and confess our sins to Him, He will forgive us.


5.         John 13:4 - 5 gives us insight into the total servant mindedness of the Lord Jesus as God in the flesh, and reminds us that the disciple is not above his Master.


6.         In John 13:12 - 17, Jesus was setting an example for us as His disciples.  He was revealing to us, that we should be willing to so  humble ourselves as to be willing
            to even wash the feet of others if need be. That we should be so willing to follow the example of our Lord and our Master, that no service to another would be beneath
            us if it would serve the Kingdom of God.


7.         You were to choose one of the following:         


( ) I wish He had not done what He did (washing feet) and taught what He taught.


( ) I know that is supposed to be my attitude, but, I'm not there yet?


( ) I'm not there, and, I'm not sure I want to be there.


( ) I think I'm there.


( ) You could have expressed another viewpoint.


8.         Judas was an opportunist who wanted Jesus to usher in His Kingdom rule then at that time. When he realized Jesus was not going to do so at that time, he becam angry
            and decided to desert Jesus.


            You were to declare if you have ever entertained such an attitude.


You were to explain how such an attitude, if you developed such an attitude, manifested in your life.


9.         The use of Judas with a kiss in the darkness to identify Jesus was his means of positive identification of Jesus to betray Him.  You were to state what lesson you learn from that.


           Your answer should have included the possibility that you have, or perhaps might have, in some way betrayed Jesus in  your own lifestyle or speech.
            Your answer could have included your observations as to how you have seen other Believers betray Christ in their speech or lifestyle.


10.       Luke 22:54 - 62 reveals that the three stages of Peters backsliding that is, his denial of Christ Jesus were:


(1)        Peter, left Jesus.


(2)        Peter started following Jesus at a distance.


(3)        Peter joined himself to the enemies of Christ around their fire in the hall of judgement.


(4)        You were to determine if any of these steps taken by Peter have ever manifested in your life.