Florida Bible Institute

Level Two

Lesson Six

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God, The Holy Spirit


Scripture Reading: John 14:1 - 31


Memory Verse: John 16:13


Lesson Objective: To better understand God the Holy Spirit and His ministry and how we can better cooperate with Him to glorify Jesus as God the Son.


Introduction: In this study we examine Scripture concerning the Holy Spirit, the third member of the Godhead. God is a triune being three yet one. There is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. (The terms Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit are used interchangeably in Scripture).


Man is a three-part being. (I Thessalonians 5:23). Man is spirit, soul and body yet, he is one entity.


As we study the Doctrine of God, and examine the Scriptures pertaining to the Holy Spirit, we discovered that He is equal to God the Father and God the Son.


The Holy Spirit is one with the Father and the Son, and He should never be described in an impersonal way, He is not and it and He is not just a presence or influence. He is God!


As we better understand the Holy Spirit and His ministry, we can better cooperate with Him to glorify Jesus, The Christ, God the Son.


I.         The Holy Spirit as God.  (Read Acts 5:1 - 11)


      1.  In verse three, to whom does Peter say that Ananias had lied?


      2.  In verse four to whom does Peter say that Ananias had lied?


      3.  What conclusion do you come to regarding the person of the Holy Spirit?



II.        The Holy Spirit in Creation.


     1.  Read Genesis 1:1-2. The Hebrew word for God in Genesis 1:1 is Elohim meaning Gods,   (i.e., God the Father, God the Son and God
         the Holy Ghost). Now in your own words describe your understanding of the role of the Holy Spirit in creation as indicated in these two


      2.  Read Genesis 1:26-27. In your opinion, to whom was God (The Father) speaking when He said, A...let us make man in our image,
         after our likeness...?


III.      The Holy Spirit in Ministry.  (Read Exodus 31:1-5)


     1.  In what way did the Holy Spirit anoint Bezaleel for service or ministry?


     2.  Read Romans 12:4-9, and I Corinthians 12:4-13. What do those scriptures teach us about the ministry of the Holy Spirit to the people
        of God in this our day?


     3.  Read II Chronicles 20:1-18. Describe the ministry of the Holy Spirit in this event by answering the following:


         (1) What did the Holy Spirit do?


        (2) By what means did He accomplish what He did?


        (3) How does this event in the Old Testament relate to I Corinthians 12:4-10?


IV.       Based on what you have studied thus far in this lesson on the Holy Spirit, briefly summarize your answers to the following questions.


     1.  What is wrong with the King James Version in it’s translation of Romans 8:16 and 8:26?


      2.  Is the Holy Spirit co-equal with God the Father and God the Son?


Yes     No             


     3.  What have you discovered in this study concerning the ministry of the Holy Spirit in equipping the people of God to minister?



Conclusion: We have seen from our study in Acts 5:1-10, that the Holy Spirit is God - just as God the Father is God, and just as God the Son (Jesus) is God. He is the one who equips the people of God for service - and - He is the revelator of truth.


Determine in your heart to get to know Him better than ever before and to cooperate with Him in your walk with your Heavenly Father as never before.


Next Week: the Holy Spirit - His Emblems, His Work, the Fruit of the Holy Spirit and sins against Him.