Florida Bible Institute

Level Two

Lesson Twelve

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The Doctrine of God - (His Names - Part 2)


Scripture Reading: The Book of Hebrews


Memory Verse: Hebrews 1:1 - 3


Lesson Objective: To better understand God through a better understanding of the names by which He has identified Himself.


Introduction: In our last lesson, we examined the first six of the twelve names by which God revealed Himself to His people in the Old Testament.  In revealing Himself to His people in this way, He gave His people insight into the different characteristics of Himself, and the various ways in which He ministers to His people in meeting their needs.


He reveals Himself to be the totally, all sufficient God, - the only true God - sufficient to every need that mankind has.  As you study these ways in which God manifested Himself to His people, bear in mind that as He always has been, He is, and always will be. He is sufficient to each and every need any of His children may have.


In this lesson, we examine the last six of those twelve names by which He has revealed Himself.


Your prayer life, and your private worship will be greatly enhanced if you memorize these Old Testament names of God and know what they reveal about God.  As you see how He fulfilled each of these characteristics of Himself, by His different names in His dealing with His people, and when you realize that He is the same today, yesterday, and forever, your faith will be strengthened.


I.          The Seventh Revelation of God.


             The seventh revelation of God in Scripture is found in Exodus 17:15: And Moses built an altar and called the name of it Jehovah-Nissi.


            Jehovah-Nissi means, Jehovah, my Banner.  The idea here is that Jehovah has provided the victory for His people - - hence a
banner of victory over His people.



1.         Read Romans 6.  How has He become your victory over your enemies?


II.        The Eighth Revelation of God.


  The eighth revelation of God in Scripture is found in Jeremiah 23:6: God is identified as THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS


  The Hebrew reading for THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS IS JEHOVAH-T-SIDKENU, pronounced (sit-ke-nu)


1.         Read II Corinthians 5:17 - 21.  Paraphrase verse 21 and explain how God has become the LORD, your Righteousness.


2.         In the context of Jeremiah 23, the ungodly rule of the political leaders, (Pastors/Shepherds) along with the False Prophets and Priests, is denounced.  Both the political as well as the spiritual leadership had failed in their responsibilities to both God and the people.  With that in mind, the Prophet Jeremiah looks forward to the future when the LORD will rule His People in Righteousness.  With that truth in mind, in your own words describe the fulfillment of that prophecy as it is revealed in Revelation 19:15.


III.       The Ninth Revelation of God.


The ninth revelation of God in Scripture is found in (Exodus 31:13)Ezekiel 36:16 - 38.  At verse 23, Jehovah identifies Himself as the God that Sanctifies.


The Hebrew reading for Jehovah who Sanctifies is JEHOVAH-M'KADDESH. Jehovah - (Mekoddishkem)


The definition of sanctify is: To be set apart as Holy unto the Lord; to be set apart to be dedicated to the LORD, to be set apart for the Loed to use as He sees fit!


1.         In what way is Jesus JEHOVAH-M-ADDESH in your life?


2.         Read Hebrews 10:1 -39.  Explain verse 10.


3.         Read Ephesians 2:4 - 10.  Explain verse 8.


4.         With the understanding that you have been sanctified and are continually being sanctified, what manner of person ought you to be,
  and what manner of life ought you to live?



IV.       The Tenth Revelation of God.


The tenth revelation of God in Scripture is found in Judges 6:24 in which God reveals Himself as Jehovah-Shalom.


In Hebrew, JEHOVAH-SHALOM means, Jehovah is Peace.


1.         How has God brought peace to your heart and into your life?


2.         Read Ephesians 2:11 - 16 and summarize the following:


(1)       In what way did Jesus establish grounds for peace between Jewish and Gentile Believers


(2)       In what way did Jesus establish peace between men who would receive Him as the Messiah, the Savior of mankind, and God?  (See also John 1:12)


V.        The Eleventh Revelation of God.


The eleventh revelation of God in Scripture is found in psalms 23: The LORD is my Shepherd.


The Hebrew reading of in Psalms 23 for AThe LORD is my shepherd... is JEHOVAH-ROHI


1.         Read Psalms 23 and list the things that a Shepherd does for his sheep.


2.         How do those things listed in # 1 above, relate to the care Jesus provides for you.  If you can do so, give scriptural support for
 your answers.


3.         Read John 10:1 - 18. Explain the following verses.


(1)       John 10:10


(2)       John 10:27


VI.       The Twelfth Revelation of God.


The twelfth revelation of God in Scripture is found in Ezekiel 48:35. The KJV reads ...the LORD is there.


The Hebrew reading of The LORD is there is JHOVAH-SHAMMAH.



1.         The Prophet Ezekiel saw in the Spirit, the end-time rule and reign of Jesus Christ.  What does Ephesians 2:6 teach about the present?
  rule and reign of Jesus Christ?


2.         What does Ephesians 2:6 teach about your present identification with Jesus Christ?


3.         How does Ezekiel 48:35 and Exodus 3:13 - 14 relate to Ephesians 2:6?


4.         Read John 8:51-58.  How do these verses relate to Ezekiel 48:35 and Exodus 3:14?


5.         What do the truths revealed in these verses mean to you?


Conclusion:    If you will relate the truths in this study on the Doctrine of God to your everyday life experience, and to your worship and prayer time, you will live more victoriously than ever before.