Florida Bible Institute
Level Two
Lesson One
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The Doctrine of God - Part 1

Scripture Reading: Genesis 1:1-31

Memory Verses: Genesis 1:3-4

Lesson Objective: To better understand the essence, the attributes, the character and nature of God.

Introduction: In this and following lessons on the Doctrine of God, you will be studying scripture concerning the One who created you -- the One to whom you ascribe the term, "Our Father, which art in Heaven" -- Jehovah God!

A better understanding of God will help you better identify with Him as your Heavenly Father. A better understanding of God will radically effect every area of your life and your walk with Him.

Be blessed as you "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." (II Timothy 2:15)

Question: If you were going to paint a portrait of God, what color would you paint Him? (Write your answer fully before continuing.)

Question:  Why would you paint God the color you have stated you would paint Him?

Having determined what color you would paint God - and why, how would you in your own words
describe Him?

Now that your answers to the above questions are in writing, read I John 1:5.  In your own words
describe "light".

How would you portray or paint a portrait of "light"?

It doesn't take us long to understand why no artist has ever been able to capture on canvas a
portrait of God.

Jesus was God in the flesh (See John 1:14)

Jesus was the essence of God in human form!  (See John 10:30)

With those thoughts in mind, let us now examine the scriptures in our effort to better understand
our Heavenly Father - Jehovah God.

I.     The Doctrine of God - the reality of His Existence.

1.    After reading Psalms 19:1-14, summarize in your own words your understanding of
       Psalms 19:1-6.

2.    Summarize in your own words the truths of Psalms 8:1-9.
3.  What is your understanding of Hebrews 11:1-4?


3.    What is your understanding of Hebrews 11:1 – 4.as soon and as of now we need the answer notetaking this teaching

4.    What is your understanding of Hebrews 11:1-6

II.    On what basis have you yourself determined that God in fact exists?

1.     As a Believer, what truth do you learn concerning God in I Corinthians 6:19-20?

2.    As a Believer what is your understanding of John 14:16-17?

3.    John 16:13 assures the Believer that

4.    Philippians 1:6 assures the Believer that

5.    Explain your understanding of Philippians 2:13.

6.    On what basis have you determined that God has always existed from eternity past and will
       always exist throughout eternity future?

7.    How, in your mind, does I Corinthians 2:12-14 relate to your answer to question 3 above with
       respect to John 16:13?

Conclusion:  God Is!!!!  God always has been!!!!  God always will be !!!!

The Bible makes a very clear and definite statement concerning those who say "There is no God" including those who subscribe to the "Big Bang" theory of creation.              

Ps 14:1 
The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.  They are corrupt, they have done
abominable works, there is none that doeth good.

Next Week:  The Doctrine of God (continued)