Florida Bible Institute
Level Two
Lesson Four

Answer Key

Jesus As God - Part 1


1. No one can fully comprehend the trinity. Yet, we know from the scriptures that God exists in three persons. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. Jesus, as the Word of God incarnate has always existed from eternity past. Jesus was God in the flesh.

2. The Holy Spirit would, in a creative sense impregnate Mary so that Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God would be born of a virgin.

3. Jesus was, by virtue of His ancestral lineage, in the bloodline of Joseph and Mary, which placed Him in the bloodline of David, therefore He was made of the "seed of David according to the flesh".

4. The humanity of Jesus is revealed in the fact that He was tired, weary, hungry and thirsty. He waited at the well, while His disciples went into town for the purpose of obtaining food. He asked the woman from Samaria for a drink of water, thereby further revealing His humanity.

5. His bruised, beaten and bloodied body revealed His humanity. His concern for the welfare of His mother as He hung on the cross, His statement, "I thirst", the fact that both water and blood issued forth from His body when He was pierced, and after His death there remained a corpse to be dealt with. All of these are evidences of the humanity of Jesus Christ.