Florida Bible Institute
Level Two
Lesson Three

Answer Key

The Doctrine of God - Part 3

1. John 4:24 reveals that God is a Spirit. As such He is not limited by time, nor space or by a body, but, is everywhere present at all times. And, those that would worship Him, must do so in absolute truth, not only spiritually, emotionally, mentally and verbally - from the heart and in recognition of who He is, and all that He is, has done, is doing and is going to do.

2. In revealing the personality of God to us, as well as certain of His emotions, the Word of God reveals:

    (1) In John 3:16 that God loves all humans unconditionally.

    (2) In Proverbs 6:16 that God hates sin in every expression at every level.

    (3) In I Peter 5:5 that God resists the proud and gives grace (His unmerited, un-earned favor) to the humble.

    (4) In Genesis 6:6 we find that God sees every sin of every sinner, and sooner or later judges and punishes unrepentant sinners.

3. In John 10:30 Jesus states emphatically that He is the Messiah, and, is as His Father, Jehovah God and as such is one in character, essence, attributes and purpose.

4. In Hebrews 1:1 - 3 the Bible reveals that: God has in times past, in different ways, spoke to our ancestors by and through the Prophets, and has in these last days, spoken to us by and through His Son, Jesus Christ, who is the Heir of all He possesses, and who is the very representation of His glory, who holds the universe together by His Word. He has single handedly cleansed us from our sins by His death, burial and resurrection and now sits at the right hand of God theFather Himself.

5. Hebrews 9:22 states that in order for sinful man to be reconciled to Holy God there had to be a willing, sinless blood sacrifice. Jesus Christ, was that sinless, winning blood sacrifice and that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin!

6.   The following verses paraphrased should express the truths similar to the ones paraphrased below.

Heb 4:14 As I have a High Priest, Jesus, The Christ, representing me before the Throne of God the father, I can hold onto my faith in full confidence in Jesus Christ.

Heb 4:15 My High Priest, Jesus Christ, was tempted and tested in every way in which I am tempted and tested, and yet, did not sin, so, He understands my testing’s and temptations.

Heb 4:16
I am invited to come boldly before the throne of God the Father, with all of my problems, intercessions and to find grace and help in the time of need whatever the need may be!


Conclusion: God is a Spirit. God became man. God is revealed in Jesus, The Christ.  Jesus Christ is God in the flesh.   When you more fully understand that God completely identified Himself with man in Jesus Christ, so that man can be completely identified with God in Jesus Christ, you are well on your way to a closer walk with God.  Be blessed as you continue to "grow in the Lord"!