Florida Bible Institute
Level Two
Lesson Two

Answer Key

 The Doctrine of God - Part 2


1.  Both God and man have emotions. God’s emotions are in perfect balance and never out of control! God does not have fear.


2.  As stated in the lesson God does not experience fear.  The emotions that both God and man share are as follows: 

      (1) Love - John 3:16

      (2) Joy - Zeph. 3:17

      (3) Jealousy - Ex. 20:5

      (4) Hatred - Prov. 6:16

      (5) Sorrow - Mark 14:34

      (6) Anger - Zech. 1:2

      (7) Peace - I Thess. 5:23

      (8) Grief - Isaiah 53:3

II.   Attributes of God.

       (1) God is "Light"    I John 1:5

       (2) God is "love"  -  I John 4:16

       (3) God is "holy" -  I Peter 1:15

       (4) God is "pure" - Psalm 18:26

       (5) God is "righteous" - Daniel 9:14

       (6) God is "omniscient" -  Isaiah 46:9, Hebrews 4:13

       (7) God is "omnipotent" -  John 4:24

       (8) God is "omnipresent" -  John 4:24

       (9) God is "just" -  Isaiah 45:21

      (10) God is "slow to anger" -  Pslam 103:8

      (11) God is "eternal" -  Deut. 33:27

      (12) God is "unchangeable" -  Mal 3:6, Heb 6:17, 18; 13:7-9

      (13) God is "merciful" -  Jeremiah 3:12

      (14) God is "long suffering" -  Numbers 14:18

      (15) God is "the source of creation" - Gen 1:1; Heb 11:3

      (16) God is "the source of life " - Gen 2:7

      (17) God is "the source of salvation" - John 3:16

III.  God's Tri-Part Being

1.    God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit

2.    Similarities in Nature.

      (1)    Time, space and matter - all occupying the same time and space at the same time.

      (2)    Water, steam and ice  - same substance in three different expressions.

      (3)    Husband, father and son - one, yet three different expressions.

IV.  God's Tri-Part Being in Creation and Redemption.

1. All three members of the Triune Godhead were involved (Gen 1:1). Jesus holds the pre-eminence in relation to creation, (Col 1:16), and we know the Holy Spirit was involved - (Gen 1:2).

2. God the Father gave His Son, Jesus.  God the Son, (Jesus) became the blood sacrifice.  The Holy Spirit convicts sinners of sin, righteousness and judgement, and draws them to Jesus! (John 16:7-11)