Florida Bible
Level One
Lesson Six
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Gods Response to Mans Rebellion - Part 3
The Atonement
Scripture Reading:
Genesis Chapters 6, 7 and
8, Exodus Chapter 12, Leviticus Chapters 16 and 17.
Memory Verse:
Leviticus 17:11
Lesson Objective:
To continue our study of the
Blood Covenant
of the Old Testament and to better understand how it is fulfilled in the
death of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Many Christians do not completely
understand all that Jesus Christ accomplished for them on the cross when he
died for their sins. When asked, they normally reply He paid for my sins.
This is correct, however, they fail to comprehend all that was involved in
the payment of their sin debt.
This study will help you understand more clearly the significance of the
death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, and what Jesus
accomplished for you, the Believer.
From our last two studies we discovered that when man rebelled against God,
violating Gods known and expressed will, man lost his sinless nature.
In the moment that he rebelled, his sinless nature was destroyed - -
and he discovered a sin nature in its place.
Therefore, every human
being born of natural parents since Adam was born with a sin nature.
The one exception is Jesus Christ. Jesus did not have an
earthly father. (Luke 1:25 -
35). Jesus received His body from His mother, He received His nature from
His Father - - God.
God Himself provided
the first blood sacrifice in the Garden of Eden for the sin of Adam and Eve.
(Genesis 3:21) At that time God instituted the Blood Covenant.
Man knew of the
requirement for a blood sacrifice for the atonement, (the covering) of sin
from the very first offering in the Garden of Eden. In our last lesson, we
traced the history and knowledge of the Blood Covenant from Adam to
his sons, Cain and Abel. Now we
pick up the Scarlet Thread of Redemption - - the Blood Covenant - - in
Genesis, chapter six, and trace it to its conclusion at Calvary.
The First Blood Sacrifice.
Who performed the first blood sacrifice?
What does the word
Who provided the first blood sacrifice?
Who provided the last blood sacrifice?
Noah and His Knowledge of the Blood Sacrifice Requirement (Genesis 7
and 8)
Adam and Eve had a third son, Seth. As
surely as Adam and Eve had instructed Cain and Abel in Gods requirement of a
blood sacrifice for sin, they no doubt also instructed Seth as well. Noah is
a descendant of Seth. Note also that the word grace (meaning Gods unearned,
unmerited favor) is found for the first time in scripture in connection with
Noah at Genesis 6:8.
How many of each species of clean (fit for sacrifice) animals did
Noah take into the Ark?
Why did Noah take that specific number of clean (fit for sacrifice)
animals into the Ark?
What does that say to you about Noah and his knowledge of a
requirement for a blood sacrifice?
Again, given the ancestral lineage of Noah, how do you think he knew
of the blood sacrifice requirement?
Moses, The Exodus, and the Blood Sacrifice.
(Exodus 12)
What kind of lamb was acceptable for sacrifice at the Passover?
In what way was the lamb characteristic of Jesus?
In what way was the blood applied in Exodus 12 symbolic of the cross?
What happened to those who were under the protection of the blood?
What happened to those who were not under the protection of
the blood?
How does that relate to mankind - to us today?
List all the ways in which the High Priest (Aaron) symbolizes Jesus
Christ in his activities on the Day of Atonement in Leviticus Chapter 16.
What is one thing that Aaron had to do that does not symbolize
Jesus Christ?
In what way did God deal with the sins of Israel on the Day of
What was the significance of the scapegoat and what does it
What does the symbolism of the scapegoat say to you about Gods
dealing with your sins. (See also Psalms 103:10 -12)
Jesus, and the Blood Covenant.
Describe how Hebrews Chapter 9 relates to Leviticus, Chapter 16.
Why do you think Jesus was called the Lamb of God by John the Baptist
in John 1:29?
In dealing with sin in the Old Testament, God: (1) Forgave the sin
(2) Forgave the sinner. (3) Put the sin to death.
In what way did the death of Jesus Christ affect the sins of the one
who trusts in Him as Savior? (See II Corinthians 5:21)
God hates sin. God loves sinners.
God assigns sin to the position of death - - He kills sin. In the Old
Testament God put sin to death in the sacrificial animals.
Every sacrificial
animal in the Old Testament was simply a substitutionary vicarious sacrifice
waiting the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and His death.
When Jesus hung on the cross of Calvary, He reached back into the
past and took upon Himself all the sins of those who had died in faith,
trusting in the substitutionary blood sacrifice of those animals, and, He
reached into the future, to our day, and took upon Himself all of those who
would trust in Him as their sinless, willing blood sacrifice.
God provided the first
sacrifice in Eden, and God provided the last sacrifice at Calvary. Believers can
rest assured that their sins were covered at Calvary.
You as a Believer, can rest
assured that your past is forgotten, and your sins are put to death in Jesus
Christ, the Lamb of God. When you
realize you have sinned, you simply confess the sin, and that sin dies in Christ
Jesus. You are under the protective covering of the blood of Jesus Christ. You
are now free to live a life of obedience to Him, to love Him and to continually
reflect your gratitude for the “Lamb of Calvary” - -Jesus Christ as you live
your life in surrender and submission to His Lordship!!!