Florida Bible Institute
Level One
Lesson Four
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God's Response to Man's Rebellion
Then we saw that, as an act of his will, man made a decision - a deliberate
choice and rebelled against God. In that moment of rebellion, man suffered a
twofold death:
(1) In the spiritual realm, (he became a sinner with a sin nature), and (2) in
the physical realm, (he became subject to disease and death).
God, in His mercy, did not choose to leave man to his own fate, without
recourse. Nor to continue to live, procreate as a sinner, and then to die
eternally separated from God. Nor did God choose to destroy His creation. God is
a loving Heavenly Father, and man is His prize creation. The Bible tells us "God
so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believed on
Him should not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16).
God has ALL knowledge and has never learned anything new. If He did, He would
not be God. God knew man was going to rebel and sin before He created man. God
also knew man was going to develop a ‘sin nature’ when he sinned. So, before God
created man, He devised the plan to remedy man's fall. God had THE plan -- THE
ONLY REMEDY -- that would allow man restoration to a right relationship and
fellowship with Himself - God!.
That plan -- God's response to man's rebellion -- was a blood sacrifice. (Read
Leviticus 17:11 very carefully and examine that verse in light of Hebrews 9:22.)
God decreed that only a 'willing and sinless blood sacrifice' would satisfy His
requirement for a ‘blood sacrifice’. We find God, Himself, instituting the
‘blood sacrifice’ in Genesis 3. Using an animal for the sacrifice. The
animal God used was ‘sinless’ in that an animal cannot sin, but it was not
‘willing’. From that point on in the Bible, one can trace the blood sacrifices.
In the Old Testament, God decreed that certain types of animals could be used as
a blood sacrifice; however, all of them were only substitutes until God Himself
became man, in the incarnation and called Himself ‘JESUS’, then offered Himself
as the final, ultimate blood sacrifice on The Cross at Calvary.
The need for any further blood sacrifices ended at Calvary. JESUS, THE CHRIST,
was [and is] the final blood sacrifice. JESUS was [and is] the final, ultimate
response of God to man's rebellion. Jesus, "The Lamb of God" (see John 1:36) was
God's ‘sinless and willing’ blood sacrifice.
With that information as a background, answer the following questions
1. When Adam sinned, he tried to cover his nakedness with fig leaves (Genesis 3:7).
What do God's actions toward Adam tell you about God's attitude toward man and
7. Why do you think Jesus Christ was called the ‘Lamb of God’?