Florida Bible Institute
Level One
Lesson Twelve
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                                                  ETERNAL SECURITY

Scripture Reading: John 3:1-12, John 10:1-42, Romans 8:1-39
Memory Verses: John 3:16, John 5:24, or John 10:27-28 (Choose one)

Lesson Objective: To more clearly understand the relationship that exists between the child of God and God the Father, because of the
                                believer's identification with Jesus Christ and the permanency of that relationship.

Introduction:    Many Christians today are living unfruitful lives because they doubt the goodness of God.  They
                          doubt the faithfulness of God in spite of His proven faithfulness to His people generation after
                          generation.  God is Good!!!

Can you imagine waking up every morning as a child wondering if your mother or father still loved you? Many believers often have difficulty in identifying with their Heavenly Father in simple childlike trust because of a poor relationship with their earthly father or mother. Perhaps they came from a broken home and because of that they are constantly doubting the goodness of God and His love for them.  They are, many times, holding God's motives suspect and expecting the worst from Him.  In doing that they do God a grave injustice and rob themselves of many, many blessings.

God loves you! How much? Look at the battered, bruised, bloodied body of Jesus Christ on the cross -- that's the price God was willing to pay so that you could become His adopted child. God loved you, and God loves you that much.

I. Complete the Following as Required:

1.    In John 3:5, Jesus states that there are two requirements to enter into the Kingdom of God. What are they?



2.    Jesus often used 'parables' to explain spiritual truths. He used physical terms to explain spiritual truths. What
       does He say in John 3:7 that one must do to enter the Kingdom of God?     

3.    Paraphrase John 3:16.

4.    How does John 1:12 describe those who believe in Jesus Christ?

5.    Romans 8:15 states that we..."have not received the s_______________ of b_____________ again to f_____________,  but ye have received the S__________of a_________________whereby we cry A_________(Daddy), Father.

6.    What does Romans 8:16 teach us about how we can know that we are a child of God?

7.     Romans 8:17 describes us as what three things?




8.     Define each of the following:

(1) A child :

(2) An heir :

(3) A joint-heir:

9.    As an "adoptive child" (Romans 8:15) in the family of God, what was the price paid for your adoption?

10.   As an "adoptive child" in the family of God, what did you "inherit" when you became a "joint-heir" with Jesus
        Christ? As a "joint heir" with Him, list those things you can think of that you now possess and/or share with
        the Lord Jesus Christ.  For example, see 2 Corinthians 5:21, as well as Psalms 103:12 and others as you
        understand them.
11.   Paraphrase in your own words Romans 8:1:

12.   Paraphrase in your own words I John 3:9:

13.  Romans 8:34-39 lists seventeen things that can never separate the Believer from the love of God. What are


















14.   What is your understanding of II Timothy 1:12?

15.   What does Philippians 1:6 say to you?

16.  What does Philippians 2:13 say to you?

17.  What does Isaiah 1:18 say to you?

Bonus Question: In light of the fact that, at times, Jesus used physical terms to explain a spiritual reality, complete
                               the following statements.

If I decided I simply did not want to exist as a citizen of the human race any longer, and wanted very desperately to be unborn, I would reverse the process of having been born by

In light of Ephesians 2:5-10, I can see that I played a very significant role in being 'Born Again' by

In light of Ephesians 1:3-8 and Romans 8:28-29, I believe I could reverse the "Spiritual Birth" process through which I was "born again, by

And, I come to that conclusion on the basis of the following clear statement in Scripture:

CONCLUSION: One of the most interesting studies you will ever undertake concerning the steadfast love of God toward His own is that of Peter's denial of Christ on the night Christ was arrested, and God's dealings with the children of Israel in the Old Testament.

Time after time, His people committed 'spiritual adultery'.  Still, His great love and His faithfulness would not allow Him to forsake them, and He has not to this very day.  Peter denied Christ three times, cursed and swore he did not know Him and assured his accusers he was not associated with Christ; still Christ Jesus would not and did not deny Peter, but rather restored Peter to a position of prominence among the Apostles.

On the cross, Christ prayed, 'Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do'. Such is the love of God.

You have never committed a sin that caught God by surprise. God knows everything -- He always has, He always will. He loved you and saved you knowing you would fall and fail at times as did the Apostle Peter, but He promised to "never leave you nor forsake you'.  If you could leave God, die and go to hell, then Jesus would have to go with you for He promised to 'never leave you nor forsake you'.

Dear child of God, your Heavenly Father loves you with a love you shall never understand this side of Glory. Satan is a liar and the accuser. It is he who accuses God to you in an attempt to make you distrust God.

Rest assured as you walk with God that 'the longer you serve Him, the sweeter He grows'. You will become more sure and more certain of His love and faithfulness as you continue to grow in Him and get to know your Heavenly Father better.

Thank you, Father, for adopting us into Your family!