Florida Bible Institute
Level One
Lesson Six

Answer Key

                                                                          God’s Response to Man’s Rebellion (Part 3) The Atonement

I.        The first Blood Sacrifice

1. God Himself performed the first blood sacrifice.

2. "Atonement" means to cover, to purge, to reconcile, to make reconciliation.

3. God Himself provided the first blood sacrifice.

4. God Himself provided the last blood sacrifice on the Cross of Jesus Christ.

II.       Noah and his knowledge of the Blood Sacrifice Requirement.

1. Noah took seven pairs of  each of the clean species ( fit for sacrifice) into the Ark.

2. He took seven pairs in order to provide six pairs for reproduction and one for sacrfice.

3. Noah obviously knew of the requirement of a blood sacrifice for sin.

4. Noah no doubt learned of the blood sacrifice for sin from his ancestors.

III.      Moses, the Exodus and the Blood Sacrifice. (Exodus 12)

1. To be acceptable as a sacrifice at the Passover, the lamb had to be a male lamb of the first year, free from any spot, blemish or defect in any way!

2. Jesus Himself was without sin and subjected to public/hostile scrutiny.

3. The blood of the Passover Lamb had to be sprinkled on the top of the door, and on each side of the door, forming the symbol of a cross.

4. The lives of those in the house where the blood had been applied to the door as directed were spared.

5. The "first born" in every house where the blood was not applied as directed died on the night of the Passover.

6. Those not under the protective covering of the Lord Jesus Christ will suffer the "second death" (Revelation 2:11; Revelation 20:6; Revelation 20:14, and Revelation
    21:8) that is, eternal separation from God and eternity in hell!

IV.        The Blood Covenant and the Day of Atonement. (Leviticus Chapters 16 and 17)

1.        You were to list all the ways in which the High Priest Aaron symbolizes Jesus Christ in all of his activities on the "Day of
            Atonement", (Leviticus Chapters 16 and 17)

(1) His washing symbolizes the purity, cleanliness of Jesus.

(2) His white linen clothing symbolizes the righteousness of Jesus!

(3) His offering a "sin offering" symbolizes Jesus becoming our "sin offering".

(4) His offering a " burnt offering" symbolizes the total submission and consecration of Jesus to God the Father

(5) His taking incense (symbolizing prayer) into the Holy Place (also known as the Holy of Holies) symbolizes the ministry of intercession of Jesus.

(6) His taking blood into the Holy Place (Holy of Holies) represents Jesus offering His blood for sinners!
(7) His sending the "scapegoat" away represent Jesus bearing our sins away!

2.         Aaron had to offer a "sin offering" for his own sins.  Jesus had no sin!

3.         The sin were put to death in the "sin offering".

4.         The significance of the "scapegoat" was that it was a visible symbol that their sins were being "borne away", in a "sin bearer"
            even as Christ Jesus "bore our sins" as our "sin bearer".

5.         God, in Christ Jesus, removes our sins, Christ becomes our "sin bearer".

V.        Jesus and the Blood Covenant

1. Leviticus  Chapter 16 reveals symbolically what Jesus did for us as described in Hebrews Chapter  9.

2. Jesus was called the "Lamb of God" becuase He was God's "willing and sinless" blood sacrifice.

3. In dealing with sin in the Old Testament, God put sin to death in the sacrficial animals, and forgave the sinner.

4.   For the one who trusts Jesus Christ as Savior, their sins are put to death in  Christ Jesus, and the sinner is forgiven.