The Fall of Man or "Did You Even Wonder Why No One Had to Teach You to Lie"
1. God created a perfect environment for Adam and Eve.
2. There was nothing in the environment of Adam and Eve that would in and of itself induce Adam and Eve to
sin.3. There had to be a "point of reference" around which Adam and Eve could decide to obey or disobey God.
4. The "Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil".
5. The penalty for disobeying God was death, both spiritually and physically. Spiritual death occurred
immediately. Physical death, while delayed became a reality for all of mankind. (See also Romans 5:12)6. Death in two aspects.
(1) In the fall, man lost his sinless nature, thus, he experienced spiritual death, and
(2) physical death was set in motion.7. When Adam and Eve sinned, and lost their sinless natures, all of mankind since, (with the exception of
Jesus Christ, God in the flesh) has been born with a sinful, depraved nature. With sin came sickness,
disease and death which now effects all of mankind.8. That God did not make man a robot without a will is evidenced by the fact that God gave man a choice with
respect to the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil.9. Genesis 1:31 reveals that God, the Creator saw nothing to defile in His original creation.
10. Man’s fall and his development of a sin nature was a result of his own willful decision to disobey God.
(1) There are none, who are in and of themselves righteous, that is to say, righteous and in a right standing with
God.(2) All of mankind has sinned and failed to live up to, or to meet God’s standards in and of themselves.
(3) The end result of all who live a life of sin, and who die in that state, unrepentant and without having been
Born Again, is death. Both spiritual and physical. But, for the one who recognizes their sinful condition
and God’s free gift of salvation through trusting in and believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, there is the
promise of eternal life.(4) Obedience to the known Word and Will of God is better than offering sacrifices to God.
(5) To Rebel agaonst the known Word and Will of God is the same as witchcraft and idolatry. Partial obedience
is the same as total disobedience.