Florida Bible Institutes
Level One
Answer Key
Water Baptism
1. Two possibilities - (1) He came up from having been immersed under the water or (2) He walked up out of the river.
2. Same as above! My preference is He was immersed but I must not be too dogmatic to the exclusion of any other consideration.
3. I really don’t know!!
4. The Jews had three methods of performing purification rites: (1) immersion, (2) sprinkling and (3) dipping and pouring.
5. (1) Repent
(2) Be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.
6. He had read the scriptures in Isaiah 53 concerning Messiah! Note: He was returning from worshiping at Jerusalem.
7. That if he believed with all his heart, he could be baptized.
8. Baptism is for believers. Infants cannot be believers.
9. Three days after his conversion.
10. He realized that all his religious works were nothing more than "dung"! He was determined to be identified with Jesus Christ as the only source of his salvation.
11. None.
12. None what-so-ever!! There is no salvation in baptism! Salvation is through personal, individual faith in Jesus Christ. Baptism is the outward expression of an inward reality.
13. That those present when he preached Jesus obviously received the Holy Ghost as evidenced by the same signs as those at Pentecost.
14. When he realized her heart/understanding were opened by the Lord to receive the message of Jesus Christ!
15. After he sought how to be saved, was told and believed.
16. In obedience to the Lord’s command and to help affirm the jailer in his faith.
1. A command to be obeyed.
2. As very significant.
3. As very significant
4. Infant baptism is not scriptural and therefore improper.
(1) The bible tells us to do so, therefore it is an act of obedience and
(2) It is an outward confession.
6. Our identification with the Lord Jesus Christ.