Florida Bible Institute
Basic training
Lesson three
Lamb of God
Answer Key
John 3: 16 reveals that God love every inhabitant of the world so
much that, He, God, provided the only means possible for sinful mankind to
be reconciled to Himself, God. The way in which He did that was a
and, that blood
was the blood sacrifice of His Son. The Lord Jesus Christ, all the Cross at
Calvary. There has never been a time in all of time and eternity with you,
as an individual did not exist in the mind of God. Therefore, that sacrifice
of His Son on Calvary was for you personally, as well is for anyone else who
is willing to confess they are sinners, and in simple childlike faith,
believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and Gods
sacrifice for the sins of sinful men, and receive Him as their Lord and
Most Bible scholars are in agreement that, in order to make clothes
for Adam and Eve after they sinned that, He, God, killed at least one animal
and use the skin of that animal to make clothing for them. Yes, He could
have created skin without killing an animal, but given what we know about
the blood sacrifices He instituted, it is believed that He transferred the
sins of Adam and Eve to the animal or animals that He killed in order to
clothe , and in doing so, transferred the sins of Adam and Eve to the
animals so that their sins were put to death in the animal or animals.
Further proof of this is that their first sons,
Abel and Cain both knew of the requirement for blood
which they could only have learned from their parents.
Hebrews 9:22 makes it very clear, that, without the
of blood
there can be no remission, no forgiveness of sin (s). There had to be a
for the sins of man, a truth that is further borne out by Leviticus 17:11.
Le 17:11
For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you
upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that
maketh an atonement for the soul.
2 Corinthians 5:21 further reveals that God used His own Son, the
Lord Jesus Christ, as the sacrifice for the sins of those who would
trust in Him, believe in Him, and receive Him as their Savior in that He,
God, made His, Jesus who had no sin, to become sin on the Cross, so that He
took our sins upon Himself. He
then made those who believe in Him and who receive as their Lord and Savior
to become as righteous as Himself. In short, Jesus took our sins, and gave
believers a share in His righteousness.
Leviticus 4:28 reveals that the animal to be sacrificed for sin had to be
free of any blemish or defect, symbolic of being sinless. Hebrews 4:15 reveals
that Christ Jesus Himself had no sin. Therefore, He, Jesus, The Lamb of God was
without sin, without any blemish, and therefore was a suitable and acceptable
sacrifice to God as the sacrifice for the sins of man.